martedì 23 aprile 2013

Violator The Red

New Release by Violator: Violator-The Red
Shoes: [AHN-JI] "MAY II" RED
Make up: blackLiquid MAKEUP - blood loveheart gloss 1

mercoledì 17 aprile 2013

Milan Fashion Week: Solidea Folies, AD Creations & Lady Thera with new make-up by blackLiquid

This post is a tribute to the three designers that I wore for the final show of the Milan Fashion Week by Solo Evane, which was held April 14 at 1:00 pm.
All photos used in this post were taken by the talented official photographer of the event Tillie Ariantho

Exclusive for MFW

Outfit:Lady Thera's Rain Forest

 New Release by blackLiquid: blackLiquid MAKEUP - Cinq emerald

Exclusive for MFW

Outfit: [AD] Rho black mesh dress
 New Release by blackLiquid: blackLiquid MAKEUP - Cinq monotone
blackLiquid MAKEUP -  vamp

Solidea Folies
Exclusive for MFW

Outfit:  *SoliDea FoliEs* Siena - with boots included

New Release by blackLiquid:blackLiquid MAKEUP - Cinq monotone
blackLiquid MAKEUP - TAE rainbow shaddow

mercoledì 10 aprile 2013

Milan Fashion Week with Morea Style & new release by Bizarre Hair

Designer: Morea Style
April 13, 4.00 pm : – Morea Style – Show
Show director : Genevieve Kamala

Style Card: Outfit: Collection MOREA STYLE * TATIANA - LEOPARD BROWN
This a complete outfit with jewels included!

The Milan Fashion Week by Solo Evane will run on April 10 – 14 with great designers: Lady Thera, Evolve, Solidea Folies, AD Creations, and Morea Style.
Lady Thera & Solidea Folies will present a new collection on our stage ! . AD Creations , Morea Style & Evolve will create 5 exclusive outfits for this event.

Hair: [Bizarre Hair] "SteamPunk" Complete Boxed ** ( New!)

lunedì 8 aprile 2013

Milan Fashion Week with Evolve & new release by Finesmith & blackLiquid

Designer: Evolve 
April 11, 1.00 pm : – Evolve – Show
Show director : Shena Neox
DJ : CottonCandy Teardrop

Style Card: Outfit: United Marant by Evolve
Shoes: [AHN-JI] "SHAORI" BASIC ORANGE - sponsor for the shoes

The Milan Fashion Week by Solo Evane will run on April 10 – 14 with great designers: Lady Thera, Evolve, Solidea Folies, AD Creations, and Morea Style.
Lady Thera & Solidea Folies will present a new collection on our stage ! . AD Creations , Morea Style & Evolve will create 5 exclusive outfits for this event.

New Release by blackLiquid: blackLiquid MAKEUP - Cinq emerald

 Designer : Evolve -  Baroque Evolve Mimmi Dress
Shoes:[AHN-JI] "MAY II" RED - Sponsor of the shoes

New Release by Finesmith: FINESMITH SHAME Set.