۞ HandsUpDontShootSL Campaign۞
Betty Draesia , owner of BeloD is the promoter of this campaign to send a MESSAGE OF PEACE at this World in need.
◢ ★ What you have to do to support this campaign?
1. Please add yourself to the flickr group of the campaign
HandsUpDontShoot I Surrender – SL Campaign flickr group –> https://www.flickr.com/groups/2797685@N22/
2. Use any pose with your hands up and take a raw picture of yourself or your friends and post it in the group on flickr or on your blog ... spread the message of peace
3. Take your free pose for the campaign here :
➽BeloD : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SaliMar/78/40/502
➽ Posesion :http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lima/200/137/2201 (on the wall of the Gift)
HandsUp with us and Happy Christmas!
For info contact Betty Draesia or Ellendir Khandr
Style Card
Make up: {MUA} - MakeUp Set - Nick - Full Set -
MUA at Salimar (New!)
Hair: Vanity Hair:The Contortionist(MAT)-Light Blonds (New!)
Free pose by Posesion